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Compassion Fatigue

1st responders

Warning Signs & Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue

By Barbara Rubel Compassion Fatigue No Comments
What Is Compassion Fatigue? Compassion fatigue is a condition that impacts many professions and caregivers in trauma-informed organizations. Medical or healing professions, first responders, law enforcement, therapists, nurses, and other service providers are the most commonly affected by compassion fatigue and empathic distress. Often confused with burnout, compassion fatigue includes emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioral, religious and spiritual reactions due to helping clients, patients or victims, typically through stressful or traumatic events. Those who…
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burnout in nursing

Nurse Burnout: Risks, Causes, and Precautions

By Barbara Rubel Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Nurse Burnout No Comments
What Is Nurse Burnout? Nurse burnout is a common occurrence marked by a loss of energy, which displays as emotional tiredness, a lack of enthusiasm, and emotions of dissatisfaction, as well as a decrease in work efficacy. Causes of Burnout in Nursing Burnout is a psychological condition that affects many nurses, especially during the COVID pandemic. It's defined by a loss of physical, emotional, and psychological energy as a result…
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signs of stress and burnout

Burnout vs Compassion Fatigue

By Barbara Rubel Burnout, Compassion Fatigue No Comments
As we explore the question of what is compassion fatigue, we recognize that it is not the same as burnout. Compassion fatigue and burnout are two types of stresses that bring about mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. Signs of compassion fatigue are headaches, sadness, grief, avoiding working with certain people, nightmares, and changes in belief systems. They may also experience emotional disconnection from others. Symptoms can mirror post-traumatic stress disorder,…
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what is compassion fatigue

Dealing with Empathic Distress

By Barbara Rubel Compassion Fatigue No Comments
Empathic distress, also known as compassion fatigue, is the absorbing of another person’s traumatic material. Compassion fatigue is a unique phenomenon to those who work with those impacted by trauma, grief, bereavement and stressful circumstances. Although the experience did not happen to the helper, the other person’s painful experience is extremely felt. Some consider compassion fatigue the convergence of secondary traumatic stress and burnout. However, these definitions are uniquely defined…
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