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self care

Foster Self-Compassion at Work

By Barbara Rubel Self-compassion, Trauma Informed Workplace
Fostering self-compassion in a vicarious trauma-informed workplace To create a supportive work environment that recognizes the impact of vicarious trauma and promotes self-compassion, organizations should adopt practices aligned with core values and prioritize employee well-being in the workplace. These initiatives encourage trauma-informed self-care strategies, improving morale, enhancing employee satisfaction, boosting productivity, lowering healthcare costs, and increasing job satisfaction. Such practices also lead to reduced absenteeism and better employee retention. Self-Compassion…
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practice self-compassion

Suicide Prevention in a Vicarious Trauma-Informed Workplace

By Barbara Rubel Mental Health, Self-compassion, Trauma Informed, Trauma Informed Workplace, Vicarious trauma
Promoting Self-Compassion and Suicide Prevention in a Vicarious Trauma-Informed Workplace Suicide remains a critical global health concern, demanding accessible interventions to safeguard those working with those who are traumatized, grieving, or struggling with a crisis in their life. Exposure to vicarious trauma is a reality for police, firefighters, emergency personnel, mental health professionals, and social workers, potentially leading to symptoms mirroring those they assist. First responders and helping professionals have…
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